Pamela Eriksson was an extrordinary women. Daughter of the former South African Secretary for Defence, she was presented at Court and took a degree at Oxford. In her thirties she got fed up, worked her passage in a sailing ship, and ended up marrying the Captain of one of the most famous Clipper Ships in the world, the Hertzogin Cecillie.
The Duchess
This book is her account of her voyages in the ‘Duchess’, especially that fatefull day when the great ship ran acround on the Hamstone near Salcombe. You couldn’t make this up.
ISBN 952-5064-23-9 This version is a facsimile edition from the Alands Maratime Museum.
linda harris says
We have a model of the “Herzogin Cecilie” in a framed box built by the ship’s carpenter for our mother when she was 6 years old. Her father was the Harbour Master at Pt. Lincoln…
john says
i would die for a model of herzogin cecilie have loved her since the early 60s
George Cummings says
Since a 10 year old fascinated by Square Riggers ran off to sea at 15 years of age worked on whale factory ships 1947-48 1961 -62. Painted all types marine vessels paintings in Maritime Museums Norway/USA/UK to name a few.Lifelong love of the Sea, really enjoyed video on Youtube about the Windjammers